Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Such beauty is shown
From each color on its own
In fractured light, a gorgeous rainbow

But the more colors united
The more that is sighted
In white light, a brilliant glow

So come together, my friends
Here, categorizing ends
No labels, and no need for strife

Now we can find
Much-needed peace of mind
To focus on improving life

Sunday, February 12, 2012


The connection rolled through our lives. Entered, traveled, departed. I saw you for a second, but too briefly before it left. No control over the force of destiny. Farewell, Sight. I will not see you again. Now I am an island. How I long to taste the water that flows between me and others' islands. How I long for that water to flow through me. It is frozen by limited thoughts. No! I will continue! Rigid thoughts do not stop me. We are all one, and I know it now more clearly than ever. We exist for other islands.